Discover the pinnacle of luxury shopping experience with our complimentary one-on-one styling sessions. Our team of highly-skilled Personal Stylists are here to guide you through our exclusive range of brands to find the perfect pieces that reflect your unique style and preferences.
Get exclusive access to high-end and premium quality fabrics, including Woolmark certified 100% Australian Merino wool, cashmere, silk, linen, and cotton. Choose from thousands of options to create your ideal look and feel.
A well-fitted suit is a wardrobe staple! With our bespoke experience, get your measurements taken by an expert to ensure you’ll get the perfect fit always. These measurements will be saved to your online profile which you can access for your next purchase as well.
At our store, we understand that every customer deserves a perfect fit, and we're committed to making that a reality for you. In the unlikely event that your garment doesn't fit, we offer free alteration or garment remaking services to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Your distinctive style is celebrated at House of Tailors, and your personality shines through every stitch.
Our bespoke clothing is tailored to your needs, complementing your taste and preferences. With endless designs, you can select the ones that speak to you and customise them to your liking.
Bring us your well-fitting garment, or let us schedule a tailor visit at your convenience to take precise measurements. Then sit back and relax while we work our magic, crafting a perfectly-tailored bespoke ensemble. Flaunt a wearable luxury that is uniquely yours with House of Tailors!
Our customisation tool empowers you to create a masterpiece tailored to your individuality. Do you seek perfection in every aspect of your life, including your wardrobe? Our custom-made garments are crafted with an unwavering dedication to quality, precision, and fit. From the tiniest stitch to the most intricate detail, our attires are infused with artisanal excellence.
From your shoulder slope to your posture, we consider every detail to ensure that your bespoke outfit is shaped to your exact specifications for maximum comfort and style.
Schedule an appointment with us today to experience the ultimate in custom tailoring.